
March 09, 2025


North Toronto Collegiate Institute - Greece 2025

Tour Price:
$4,795.00 + additional charges 
Per Person Based on 40 students
$4,895.00 + additional charges Per Person  Based on 30 students
$4,995.00 + additional charges Per Person Based on 20 students
*For additional charges please refer to the online brochure on the excludes section. 

Payment Schedule:

  • Non-refundable deposit at the time of registration: $500.00
  • **Mandatory Travel Insurance must be purchased upon trip confirmation
  • Second Payment due October 10, 2024: $2,500.00
  • Remaining Balance due December 9, 2024
Travel Insurance Note: 
The Ultimate Youth Premier policy must be purchased within 72 hours of trip confirmation. Once we have reached critical mass, an email with the payment link will be sent to each participant, allowing you to add and purchase insurance for your child's booking.

***Once the numbers have been finalized, more information regarding the tour price will be sent.***


If you are carrying a Canadian Passport, it must be valid for at least 3 months beyond the date you expect to leave the Schengen area.

For participants with a non-Canadian passport, it must be valid for at least 6 months beyond the date you expect to leave the Schengen area. Please be advised that it is the participant's responsibility to ensure that they possess all required travel documents including Visas.

Select Departure Date: